Thursday, April 16, 2009

IF: Fleeting

Just sneaking this one in under the deadline.  Had trouble visualizing a "fleeting" image.  Even the hubby was clueless.  I finally found inspiration on Wednesday when I made pancakes for my son and myself.  I try to make us pancakes at least once a week.  It is a very special time just between the two of us.  I don't know why but this pancake-eating event brings pure peace to my soul, and I always think about the preciousness of it and how one day we won't share these moments.  So, I think this image symbolizes many "fleeting" moments: the joys of childhood, simple pleasures, a mom's special pancake time with her son...  Of course, later that same week, the kid was driving me crazy and so I was having trouble sustaining the inspiration and thus felt no desire to draw our special moment.  But, he went to bed early tonight and so I was able to finish.


  1. my son and i still eat pancakes together.... and he's a bit older than yours... cute illo! :-)
